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Kanye West X Louis Vuitton

The new release kanye west x Louis Vuttion jaspers the name came from kanye west barber.in my opinion these are the dopest shoes by kanye west out of the louis vuitton line and the air yeezy line.i really think these are sick because of the brown suede back and the pink sole.if u try to describe the shoes to a friend and say yeah man they got this dope ass pink sole your manhood might come into question, but when you see them in person there hands down a jaw dropper...........$^#@$$......


Google me lil nigga......$@#%^.......

It's funny i was on google yesterday googling celebrities and i was wondering if there where any pictures of my group on google not saying that my group is famous or anything.and guess what!!!!! they had a picture of my mixtape think im lying? type this in gogle and see. gooogle.com and type nvthemascot in the searchbar and see what comes up.......%^@#%.........